Only one more month until my little baby is one year old! I really am so surprised how fast she has grown up. This little girl has taken over my house, my life, my every waking moment and most of all my heart! I can't describe how much I love life with her in it. I wouldn't want it any other way. Although there are days where I want to pull my hair out and scream at the top of a mountain. There are days where I just want to sleep in for a little longer. There are days when I'm not feeling good. There are days that I just want to be a lone for an hour..... But as soon as I see her beautiful face I can't help but smile and want to swoop her up and kiss her little face a million times. I AM A MOMMY! It just boggles my mind. I can't wait to see her grow and flourish into an amazing young being. I know that everything I do and say shapes her into the person she will become. Talk about a lot of my shoulders! I hope I do this right. Anyway onto what you all care about, Emma!
This month Emma has taken her first steps! She is still wobbly and can't go far but I imagine by her birthday she will be very good at it. I see her all the time thinking about trying to walk. She gets all excited and then kinda squats back down like she isn't quite ready. Then sometimes she does it without even realizing she is doing it. Then when she does she immediately squats back down and looks around to see if anyone saw. She gets very pleases when someone says "big girl" in a happy proud voice! So cute!
I am still nursing 3 times a day. Hope to be down to twice a day at her first birthday. I think we will be finished by 14 months. She eats what we eat most nights. She has become kinda picky just this past week. I'm not sure why. I have asuspicion that it's because of her teeth. I think it hurts when she tries to eat. She has been kinda sick with a fever. So maybe that's it too. I hope that it passes soon. I'm kinda lucky to get her to eat anything right now. One thing that she is guaranteed to eat is blueberries. She loves those suckers.
Her favorite activities are riding in her new truck from papa! It was an early birthday gift. It is currently parked in our kitchen because it's hard to keep taking it over the gate to go outside. She also loves cruising around furniture. She can make it all around the house fairly easily. Her favorite toy is a play house that has a door and window and light. It has lots of fun things on it. She also loves drawers!! Open close open close! I have the child proof things on but it still opens like an inch. So that leaves just enough room to smash her little fingers. She does it all the time. Poor kid.
We currently are down to 1 nap a day. I didn't realize how much I needed that second nap. It is very hard to get everything I need to get done in an hour. Sometimes an hour and a half. Some days I have to choose between a shower and house work. It boggles my mind how much energy this kid has. She is all over the place. As far as night time, She is doing well. She sometimes wakes up but falls back asleep fairly quickly. Last night wasn't easy but I attribute it to her teeth or her not feeling that great for the past few days. She wakes up at 5 usually and I nurse her and put her back to bed. She then will sleep till 7 or 8. I don't know what will happen when I cut out that feeding. I am not prepared to be up for the day at 5am. We shall see. I'm very nervous about it though.
She is wearing 12 month clothes but I'm starting to buy 18 months because they fit better.
We are so excited for her first birthday. It is cowgirl themed and I am having so much fun planning it. I can't wait to post pictures!
Here is some current pics of our little diva!
Cardinals fan!