Tuesday, December 22, 2015


It's been a bit since my last post. I'm 25 weeks right now. Baby Jackson is growing like a weed and is very active. Always doing flips and turns. 
We have been getting his room together. It's almost done just a little more decorating to go. I have all my gear and the essentials. Only thing left to do really is wash all his clothes and put them away. I need to see what else I need really. I have been buying clothes every now and then but I need quite a bit more. With Emma I had a shower and my sister had all her baby clothes to give me. 
I think I'll start really getting nervous when I hit 30 weeks. Right now I feel like I still have lots of time. 
Last week I had my glucose test and passed. Yay me! Taking blood from me is no easy task and of course they had to get the dr to come in and do it again. 5 sticks! That's 4 to many in my opinion. Luckily the next time I get stuck will be when he's on his way. 
Emma is definitely a thriving two year old. Tantrums and all. I am really hoping that by the time he arrives she will not be acting out as much. She is terrible I tell you. And she only wants me right now. Daddy can't hold her. It has to be me. Really getting tough toting her around too. 
Christmas is only a few days away. I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. Emma is being spoiled rotten of course. She loves it!  I am taking some of her new presents and stashing them for later. I'm thinking it could really help once hack is here. 
Talk to everyone soon! Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Today was the first time baby Jack kicked my hand. I have been trying to feel him with my hand for a while but have only been able to feel the flutters within my belly. I'm so in love! I had my hand there and was just resting quietly in my bed and boom, he really let me have it. He did it about 4 times. Just feeling soooo happy right now. It's been one of those tired drowsy days. Anyway just wanted to share with you all. I love these little firsts. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's A......

I had an elective ultrasound done on Friday and we had a gender reveal party on Sunday! It's a BOY!!!!! We are so excited, I still can't believe it. Both mark and I thought for sure it was a girl because we were wanting a boy. 
I'm 16 weeks and my next appointment is next week but I wanted to update with the gender. Baby looked healthy and was squirming around the entire time. 
At the reveal party we had a pumpkin carved out with "it's A" and then we lit a blue smoke bomb inside of it. It turned out great. Almost Everyone thought it was a boy. :) 
I'm feeling much better these days. Today hasn't been great. I'm having tummy troubles but overall it's night and day to how I was feeling. I have lost a total of 9 lbs since the transfer. I don't have a huge appetite for much either. Although I am craving salty foods. Which is so unlike me. I'm all about the cake and cookies usually. Now it's chips and pretzels. Crazy how different each pregnancy is. 
Emma is doing great. She doesn't understand any of what's going on really. She knows there is a baby in my belly but that's it. The terrible twos are still in full force. Only with me though. She is an angel when I'm not around. Makes me so angry. She also has been expressing interest in the potty at night time. She sits on it but nothing happens. She mainly just wants to play with the toilet paper. Crazy girl! I'm not going to push it. She is the type to totally rebell if pushed into something. It has to be her idea, so I'm going to let it be. At least for a while longer. 
Talk to you all soon
Apple picking

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

12 weeks

I made it! My chance of miscarriage now is very low. 12 weeks is like a breath of fresh air. Although the sickness thing is still present, it's not nearly as bad. I just have to remember to eat. We made it Facebook official yesterday. So now everyone knows. One person messaged me to say congrats and said you are just a fertile mertle aren't you? If they only knew. I wish that was the case. I wish I didn't have to save money for years in order to just do a procedure that might result in a pregnancy. The reality is that infertility isn't talked about much. It's embarrassing to most people and they decide to just keep it a secret. I think being open is best for me. I am an open book for the most part. I don't hold anything back. But that's just my personality I guess. I do wish more people would make it more known. I think many would benefit from it. 

Anyway back to me and the little peanut. I had a Drs appointment yesterday. No ultrasound just the Doppler thing. A little disappointed but just hearing the little thumping of his/hers heart was so reassuring. I am going to a new office on Monday though. I'm on the fence if I like my current dr and her staff. I just get the feeling that there is someone else that is better for me. We shall see. I have heard lots of good things about her so that's a positive. I'm so anxious to find out the sex. 20 weeks seems so far away. I may crack and go get an elective one at 15/16 weeks. 

I really don't have much else to report. Emma is doing great and thriving with therapy. The girl talks non stop now. She doesn't ever shut up lol. We went to a wedding over the weekend in a different state and she was an angel on both drives. 4 1/2 hours each way. I was so relieved. 
I'll update a gain soon! Love you guys!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

No more meds!

I am 9 weeks today! Which means, NO MORE MEDS!!!! I have graduated from my fertility clinic! No more shots or patches or estrogen pills. I can not begin to say how happy I am to be done with it. My butt is so sore. I am numb on my hips and my thighs. I can feel it but it's like pins and needles. So it's a painful numbness. I can only hope it goes away pretty fast. 

Other than that not much it going on around here. Just getting back to the routine from being in Vegas last week/weekend. I have been pretty nauseous lately. Not much vomiting but terrible nausea. I have to eat every hour in order to feel relatively good. That's hard when you have a toddler and you don't feel good. Very tired as well. I have to take a nap when Emma does because I just can't keep my eyes open. In turn the house is suffering. I'm struggling to keep the house clean. I accomplished vacuuming and moping the downstairs. But the upstairs is what needs a good cleaning. The bathrooms especially. I mean, I'm not living in filth or anything but you know the toothpaste smears and mirrors need cleaning. Anyway, to much info sorry. In a few more weeks hopefully I will start feeling better and getting back to Normal. 
That's all I got folks, talk to us soon. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Las Vegas

Well we made it to Las Vegas! I drove to Kansas City on Wednesday to my sisters. Stayed there over night and flew out the next morning. She is keeping Emma for me while I'm gone. She has twins so Emma can play with them. Very good distraction. This is the first time away from her over night and it's for 4 nights. I talked to her this morning and she said she's having a blast. That makes me so happy. I was worried and anxious all day yesterday. I think now I can relax a little knowing she is fine and happy. 
 Vegas is awesome, beautiful and fun but very hot! We are having lot of fun. Right now we are at the pool and later I think we will see a show and gamble a bit. 
 In other news I got a call from my dr and got the all clear to stop all my meds at 9 weeks! I'm so excited for this. I'm incredibly tired of all these shots pills and patches. So the countdown is on, 6 more shots! My next appointment is at 12 weeks. Then we can announce to the world petries existence. :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8 weeks

Had my 8 week appointment today. Nothing really to report. Did the ultrasound and little Petrie looked great. Heart rate of 166. I had blood work done as well. I won't get that back for a few days though. I'm anxious though because that's when I will know when I can stop my meds. I'm so ready to stop the progesterone shots. 
As far as how I'm feeling, very very tired and cranky. I also have insomnia really bad. Waking up every few hours. And my little toddler doesn't really care that mommy is tired. The world revolves around her. :(   I have been taking naps when she does as long as I don't have to much to do around the house. I am just so exhausted and when I'm exhausted I'm very cranky. I feel horrible because I feel like I'm not being a good enough mom. I just don't have the energy. Luckily she loves to color right now so I can sit down while she's doing that. Nausea is still there but not terrible. I find if I eat small meals often I'm good. When I get hungry is when I get sick. 
I'm going on a little vaca to Vegas with mark this week. My sister was kind enough to offer to watch Emma for me. This will be the first time I ever leave her. I haven't spent one night away from her since she was born. I'm sure she will be fine. In fact I'm almost positive it will be me having the hard time. Not to mention I cry at everything right now. Prayers for me and her please. 
That's all I have for now. Here are the ultrasound pictures from today. Oh I'm predicting a boy based on the Ramzi method. ( method based on were the placenta is located at 6-8 weeks) We won't know for a while though. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

6 week ultrasound

Everything looked good on Fridays appointment with the clinic. Heart rate was 114 and he/she was measuring right on track.  Very thankful after our little scare. :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Nausea sets in

For a few days now the nausea has really set in. My last pregnancy was awful with nausea and vomiting. I haven't gotten sick yet but I would imagine it's not far off. I just hope it's not as bad as it was with Emma. I lost 10 lbs in my first trimester with her. 
My sense of smell has gotten sting too. I can smell anything and everything now. That doesn't help with the nausea either. If I eat small snacks often it helps but it's hard when nothing seems good and everything has a smell to it. 
Just wanted to document this for the future. I find myself going back to when I was pregnant with Emma a lot now. 
Also wanted to note I haven't had anymore bleeding. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A little scare

Last night I woke up to go to the bathroom and noticed some bleeding. I immediately went to google with panic in my head with the word miscarriage flashing in my mind. Of course there were tons of reasons for bleeding. Some ending in miscarriage and some ending with a healthy baby. But one thing that stuck out was brown blood was better than red. I had brown. So I went back to bed and decided to call in the morning. I called my dr in the morning and was told to go in for an ultrasound. When I called my monitoring clinic here in St Louis they told me They couldn't get me in! WHAT! I was panicking at that point. I was so mad. Couldn't they see that this was going to kill me if I couldn't get in? Nope! I hung up and decided to call my regular ob and see if they could see me. Yep, my nurse was so nice. She said come in at noon and we will see what's going. What a relief. So I high tailed it over to my moms to drop off Emma and then headed to my Drs. They brought me back for the ultrasound and she turned on the screen and there was our little Petrie 2.0! We even saw a little heartbeat. What a relief. I can't tell you how happy I was to see that itty bitty flicker. After the ultrasound I saw my dr. and she did an exam. She said the bleeding is likely from the rapid growth and stretching of my uterus. But to be on the safe side I should take it easy for a few days. After I left I went and got a pedicure :) then picked up Emma and headed home. My mother in law came over to babysit while I went to a movie with a friend that was already planned. We saw train wreck. It was really funny.  All in all it was a long day but turned out good. Here is a pic of our little one. 
Itty itty bitty but definitely there :)

Monday, August 10, 2015

Emma turns 2

Here are some pictures of Emma's party we had over the weekend. Today was her actual birthday though! 
My sister and I made all of this! Very proud!

We all had a great time! Love my little angel. I know she is going to be a great big sister. Happy birthday sweet girl, mommy loves you. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

My little Emma

With all that's been going on I haven't posted much on our sweet Emma! Trust me she is far from being forgotten. She will be two next week!! I can't believe it really. She has grown up so fast. We are having a Minnie Mouse party for her on Saturday. I'm so excited for it. Lots of friends and family will be coming. 

The terrible twos started a few months ago really. This child has quite the attitude and can throw a mean epic tantrum. Like falls to the floor kicking and screaming kind. These are the moments where I start to question my parenting. But then I have to remind myself she is two and its normal. I get way to stressed about it really. I need to just ignore her but it's hard to do that when in public. I have been "that mom" plenty of times now. I feel guilty for thinking such horrible things about other moms I would encounter before I had Emma. I told myself I will never be her! Well that went down the shitter. I can't count how many times I have had to just up and leave a store due to pure embarrassment. My biggest mistake is suckers. I bribe the kid every time we go somewhere. Now the second I put her in the cart she immediately says "gucker" Emma slang for sucker. I have definatly failed in this department. 

She is a talking machine now. She repeates everything now and has even started saying short sentences. Like "no I no want it". Or "what did you do" when she does something wrong. Always blaming it on someone else lol. She is learning shapes and colors well. Although right now every color is yellow. Haha

Foods, well she is picky. Let's just leave it at that. 

That's all I can think of for the moment. I'm super tired so I'll stop here and leave you with some pictures. :)

Sunday, August 2, 2015


My new best friend. Yep the acid reflux has started. In fact it started about 4 days ago. Amazing how fast symptoms set in. The worst is at night time. Or if I eat any chocolate. My sister seems to think it's probably a boy since my symptoms are so different then they were with Emma. We are always away from knowing the sex but a boy would be nice I guess. A girl would be easier though since we have everything already. Either way we will be so happy. 

Progesterone shots are killing me right now. I have all this numbness and tingling that is there all the time and also the injections themselves are bad. I think we are hitting a nerve sometimes because the pain goes down my leg. I just can't wait to be finished with them. I forget how long I have to be on them though. I can only pray it's not much longer. 

I am so anxious to have my ultrasound. I want to see that little nugget so bad. I just want that confirmation ya know? 12 days! That's a long time. Anything can happen in that time. I just hope my little Petrie stays strong and continues to grow and be healthy. :) 

Not a long post today but just wanted to check in. Hope everyone had a great weekend 

Friday, July 31, 2015

Results are in!!!!!

Today was my first blood test. My beta came back at 270!!!! It was only 110 with my little Emma. So I'm hopeful that this is and will continue to be a healthy pregnancy. My first ultrasound is in two weeks August 14th which was coincidentally my due date with Emma. Anyway just wanted to update. We are so excited and I can't wait to see our little Petrie 2.0 on the ultrasound monitor. Technically I am 4 weeks 2 days pregnant 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Sooooo, of course I've POAS!!!! 
Actually I started at 5 1/2 days after my transfer. BFP! I'm trying not to get to excited because I know anything can happen. But as of right now, I'm PREGNANT! The line is getting darker each day. I didn't get my first positive with Emma until day 6 and you could barely see the line. Here is a picture of her pee sticks. They weren't as dark as these are. 
We only put back one embryo so no twins. Hopefully it means a strong healthy pregnancy. I go in for my beta on Friday. 3 days away. So I'm anxious to find out my numbers. With Emma my first beta was 110. Anything over 50 is considered good. So we shall see. Anyway I just wanted to share. Still keeping it a secret from everyone else though. At least until my mouth explodes from excitement. Lol. 
As far as symptoms, boobs are really sore, very bloated, extremely thirsty and I have the munchies, hot flashes out the wazoo and I'm incredibly tired. Most of which are from the meds in sure but you never know. I just like to document it all. 
Hope everyone is staying cool. I'll post again on Friday when I get my results. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015


There is no place like home! This trip to San Diego was one for the books. We made it home this evening and I am just beat. The flights were long and stressful. I'm so happy to finally be in my own bed. 

After my bed rest ended we tried to enjoy the city a little. We went to la Jolla a few times and ate at a few really awesome places. La Jolla was and still is one of my favorite places of everywhere I have lived and visited. It's so beautiful and fun. Emma loved the sea lions! She wasn't to sure about the ocean at first but after she warmed up to it she didn't want to leave. 

As far as how I'm feeling.... Pretty good. I'm super tired and pretty irritable. Also very hungry. I was looking back on my blog to when I did my first FET. As it turns out I have almost all if not the exact same symptoms. Hopefully that means I have a little Petrie 2.0 inside me. If you don't remember, Emma's nickname before we knew her gender was Petrie (get it? Petrie dish). Anyway so this little embryo that we transferred is Petrie 2.0 lol. My beta is on Friday the 31st. I'll be counting Down the days for sure. I'm sure I'll POAS before then though. I'll keep us updated. Love you all and thanks for reading my blog!