Sunday, March 29, 2015

Moving right along

My last post apparently didn't get published so I published it today. Currently I'm on cd4 although in 30 min cd5. Anyway, I had my baseline and all went well with that. I'm on my estrogen patches and waiting for my first lining check on Friday. These estrogen patches are killing me. I'm so sleepy and trying to keep up with my daughter is proving to be incredibly hard. Not sure really how I'm still awke now. On top of me being a zombie my hubby has bronchitis and is super sick so that didn't make things easier. He is gone mon -Friday most weeks so I don't get a break from the munchkin at all. Kinda a single mom. So when he comes back in town I rely on him to give me a little break but this weekend was difficult. He did try and I was able to go get groceries without a screaming toddler so that's a plus. Hopefully all his traveling will slow down soon. 
I'll update on Friday with results. Hoping my lining is thick enough to schedule my transfer!

Here we go!!!!

Today is cd1. We are starting the process of expanding our family by one more! I go tomorrow for my baseline since they aren't there on the weekends. After that I'll go in for my lining check on cd9 and hopefully it's ready. At that point I'll travel to San Diego for my transfer. :) I can't believe it's already time. 

In other news I'm fostering a momma dog and her 3 pups until they are ready for adoption. They are super cute! Here are a few pictures

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


My sonohystriogram went well. The dr said we are good to go with my next cycle. Wow, is this really happening??? I feel like it's happening really fast. I'm very anxious to get the ball rolling. Only a few more weeks. Most likely having the transfer at the end of April. Eeeek!

Emma is doing so good with her therapy. She is no longer doing the speech therapy. They seem to think that the occupational therapy will help with the speech. So 3 times a week for ot for now. When we first went she screamed more than half the time back there. Now, only a week later she is having a blast with her therapist. Some of the therapy includes sand box play, swinging, rolling on an excercise ball and other sensory related activities. I'm so relieved that she is doing so good. Also in the past week she has started saying a few words! Mama being the biggest (at least for me) ball, nana for banana, and uh oh. I'm so proud of her. :)

In other news I will be having laser eye surgery done in Friday! I'm so nervous. I have been wanting to do this for years but haven't gotten the nerve to. It creeps me out to think of them cutting my eyes. I just want to sleep through it. But for obvious reasons that's not possible. 

That's all I have for now. 

She wasn't feeling good so I rocked her to sleep! Love her so much. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Therapy and starting FET

Therapy for Emma is starting this week. She is going twice a week for occupational therapy and twice a week for speech therapy. Hopeing that she just needs a tiny push to get her going in the right direction. Her first session is on Wednesday. 

Only a month to go before we start our frozen embryo transfer. Tomorrow I'm going for my fluid ultrasound to make sure everything is all good under the hood! Lol basically to make sure my uterus is ok and without any growths of any kind. Then with my next cycle (hopefully in 20 days) we will start the FET cycle. I'll start my estrogen patches on cycle day 1 and get my first ultrasound lining check on cd3. Then again on cd10. If my lining is nice and thick we will schedule the transfer. I need to be on the progesterone in oil shots for1 week before transfer. After that week is up I'll fly out to San Diego and get pregnant Haha. Well I hope at least. I'm excited but nervous. I hope I'm ready for this. Here we go!!!!!!!!

Here is my cutie pie!