Monday, May 12, 2014

9 months old!

Oh my gosh!!! 9 months old?!? It sounds crazy to me. My baby isn't so babyish anymore! She is a little girl now. I hold her sometimes and say to myself "my god, I'm a mommy!" A few years ago I was thinking it would never happen. My life has changed drastically and I love every second of it. She is my world and everything in it. I didn't know a love this strong existed. The amount of love that emits from me is unreal. She is my heart. Ok ok sorry I got a little caught up there for a second. 

One of the newest and most exciting milestones happened just yesterday on Mother's Day! She is now crawling on her knees! She still prefers belly but has been working so hard! She is so stinkin cute cause she scoots her knees. She hasn't picked them up off the floor yet. But I'm sure it is right around the corner. :)

Just last week she learned how to go to a sitting position from laying down. This is huge in my mind. She would get so mad when she would get stuck on her belly. Now she can do a lot more without me having to run over and help her. 

She can stand very easily and has started to cruise along the furniture. Standing without a clutch is still a work in progress though. She can only do it for a few seconds before she falls down. 

She is nursing 4-5 times daily, depends on if she wakes up at night. She is almost always up at least once. I don't know how to break her of this. It doesn't bother me that much anymore though. She is eating breakfast lunch and dinner. Breakfast consist of yogurt and toast. Lunch is usually a fruit veggie mix with Cheerios to munch on. Dinner is a meat/veggie and fruit mix. And then she eats shredded cheese. She is struggling with eating peas and other finger foods. She gags because of the texture. She loves the soft things though cheese, toast, beans, watermelon, mango... Her favorite foods are toast, cheese and yogurt. 

The sippy cup is coming along. She just is a slow learning on this. I guess because she has only been nursed from day one. Although I did try the bottle, she wouldn't take it though. Anyway I got the advent sippy and she is taking to it well. I put some breastmilk in it and gave it to her the other day and she drank from it. As long as I hand it to her for her to drink from and not hold it for her she will take a little. Only an ounce or two though. Not a whole feeding. Working on it though. 

She is in 9 month clothing but can wear some 12 month stuff. She has really thinned out in her legs and belly. I guess from all her crawling. The Wierd thing is she can fit into a few 6 month things. For the most part though 9 months. 

Still not talking much. Lots of babbles though. She is more focused on trying to stand up and crawl all over the house lol. I Hope soon she starts saying mama and dada. 

Emma has cut 3 more teeth this past month. She is now sporting 2 front teeth and 3 bottom teeth! Big Girl Emma!! Lol

We had her 9 month appointment. No shots this time! Here are her stats. 19 1/2 pounds and in the 75th percentile. 27 1/2 inch long and in the 70th percentile. The Doctor heard a murmur in her heart today and is referring us to a pediatric cardiologist. A little scary! I'm sure I'll be on google after I post this. She was very calm about it but I'm sure that even if it wasn't major she would have been the same way. They don't want to freak out a new mom. She did throw in the word heart disease which scared the crap out of me. I didn't hear much after that. I'll be making the appointment as soon as possible though. Other than that she did well. She also said she has two more top teeth that will be coming soon! Wonderful!!!! Teething sucks. Anyway here are some pics! Enjoy!

Marks mom came to visit. We went to the Bronx zoo and ripleys believe it or not museum. 

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