Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Sooooo, of course I've POAS!!!! 
Actually I started at 5 1/2 days after my transfer. BFP! I'm trying not to get to excited because I know anything can happen. But as of right now, I'm PREGNANT! The line is getting darker each day. I didn't get my first positive with Emma until day 6 and you could barely see the line. Here is a picture of her pee sticks. They weren't as dark as these are. 
We only put back one embryo so no twins. Hopefully it means a strong healthy pregnancy. I go in for my beta on Friday. 3 days away. So I'm anxious to find out my numbers. With Emma my first beta was 110. Anything over 50 is considered good. So we shall see. Anyway I just wanted to share. Still keeping it a secret from everyone else though. At least until my mouth explodes from excitement. Lol. 
As far as symptoms, boobs are really sore, very bloated, extremely thirsty and I have the munchies, hot flashes out the wazoo and I'm incredibly tired. Most of which are from the meds in sure but you never know. I just like to document it all. 
Hope everyone is staying cool. I'll post again on Friday when I get my results. 

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