Thursday, August 15, 2013

Birth story

Well it all started on Friday afternoon. I went to the bathroom and when I got back up I felt like I peed myself. I thought hmmm that's strange. Then it happened again and again! Then click!!! My water broke!!!!!! I had prepared myself for this moment and for some reason I had no idea what to do. So I called mark and told him to head home cause we are having a baby! I then called my dr and they said to head up to labor and delivery. This all happened around 2pm. 

When mark got home I had pretty much everything ready to go. I just had to grab a few last minute things. So we packed up the dogs and dropped them off at the kennel. Then we were off to the hospital!! On our way there I had a few contractions but my main problem was leaking! It was awful. That shit doesn't stop coming out throughout the entire process. 

They put me in the triage room to monitor me and that's when the big contractions started. They then decided to move me to my own room. Once there things got intense. I tried the shower and birthing ball. Mark rubbed my back but the pain was just to much to handle. So I asked for the epideral. At that point my contractions were 2-3 min apart. At around 8:30 I got my epideral. Let me just say that it really isn't bad! I was so scared about it but it was nothing compared to the pain I was in at that moment. The iv hurt more than that. About an hour later I started having pain again and it kept getting worse with each contraction. So they called the anesthesiologist back in and decided to take it out and start over again! It worked that time. 

On a side note I have been very sick with a bad cough sore throat and congestion for almost a week up until delivery. So I was also coughing like crazy and couldn't rest at all even after the epideral because I was miserable with congestion and coughing. 

I was in labor for 20 hours! When it was time to start pushing I was feeling so tired and nauseated. But I pushed and pushed and pushed! It was the worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. I said a few times that I couldn't do it anymore but my dr assured me I could and mark stood by my head and encouraged me to keep pushing. And just when I thought I was going to die from the pain she finally came out!  I tore in two places but no scalpel! 

She was beautiful! We both cried and mark held her first. She barely cried. In those moments my life changed forever. My heart was filled with unconditional love for this little baby.

I had a lot of hemorrhaging so they gave me something pitocin to help stop it. But other than that I was ok and glad that the pain was finally gone. I just wanted to hold my baby. 

So that's Emma's birth story. She was worth every second. 

We had to stay one extra day because Emma developed jaundice. She went under the lights for one night and that did the trick. We were released on Tuesday afternoon. Unfortunately we couldn't go straight home. We had to stop by urgent care for me because I was so sick and I still don't have a primary care dr. I was diagnosed with an ear infection and an upper respitory infection. They gave me antibiotics and I'm finally starting to feel better. 

Breastfeeding is going well. She sometimes doesn't latch well and it hurts like hell! We need to work on it but every time I do she gets so frustrated that I usually deal with the pain. 

Well that's all for now! We did a mini photo shoot today so I'll leave you with some of those pics and a few others. 


  1. She is so cute!!! Congrats mamma!!!!!!

  2. Aww, I am soooo happy for you! I hope that you are starting to feel much better so you can enjoy that little girl of yours. That's pretty intense to to through all of that when you are feeling so sick.

  3. She is SOOOO CUTE!!! Congrats :)
