Wednesday, March 27, 2013

20 Weeks

This past week was not filled with joy all around. The loss of my grandma has proven to be a little more difficult than I imagined. I thought that because we have known for so long that it was a terminal cancer it would ease the pain a little because I have had more time to cope with it. I'm sure it helped a little but my heart aches for her everyday. I think of her constantly and find myself doing things to remind me of her. For instance, when I was a little girl my grandma would make me Rice Krispies cereal in the morning when we would stay the night. She would portion it with the perfect milk/cereal/sugar ratio. Then she would pour a glass of oj and tell me to drink all my juice. Needless to say I have been eating Rice Krispies the way she made them and drinking all my juice every morning. :) I guess this is my way of remembering her. And Emma enjoys it to! I know my grandma is holding her soul up in heaven until she is born! Love you Grandma!

I leave for St. Louis tomorrow. There isn't going to be a funeral. She told us before she passed that she didn't want one and that she wanted us to all go out to dinner instead. So that's what we are going to do on Friday. I can't wait to see my family. My sister is coming in town from Kansas City to, so I'll get to see my beautiful nieces. A definite plus!

Baby update!!! Yesterday marked 20 weeks! Half way there! It's very exciting for me. Emma's movements are very strong and felt often now. I can feel her kick my hand some times, that's an amazing feeling. Mark hasn't been able to get a feel of that yet. He is either at work when it happens or she stops when he comes over. Soon enough he will feel it though.
We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. Emma slept the entire time, A trait she gets from her dad lol!!!!! She was in the breech position and facing my back, of course. So we didn't get a lot of good face shots. She was squished up in a ball to. You can see her foot, hand and face all in the same picture. Lol The doctor said everything looked great and baby is healthy! According to their scale I have lost 4lbs since my first appointment. She said it wasn't a problem though considering I had a few pounds to spare anyway. I'm not complaining that's for sure. The less I gain the less I have to lose after delivery. :) So all in all everything looks great with me and baby.

Mark is heading out to New York next week. He will come back the following week and then leave again the next. He will then stay out there for good. Hopefully I won't be far behind him. It will probably take the movers a good week to get our stuff out there. Emma will be a New York born baby!

Mood: a little down with the passing of my Grandma

Cravings: Anything sweet!

Wedding Ring: Still fits

Sickness: none really

Miss Anything: Sleep mostly. I can't get comfy at night and my sleep cycles are very short and interrupted.

Weight gain/loss: gained a total of 2.5 lbs

Object Comparison: At the end of the week our baby Emma will be the size of a banana.

Movement: lots of summersaults and KICKS!

Belly Button: In

Names: We decided on Emma Lynn

Medical concerns: Nothing major

Looking Forward To: Going to St. Louis to be with family.


  1. Cute pics! I especially like the one of her little foot.

    I'm so sorry that you lost your grandma. I'm sure she is watching over you and Emma. Enjoy your time with those gorgeous nieces!

  2. Cute pictures!! She looks so pretty!! :) :) Congrats on 20 weeks.

  3. I literally said. Awwwwe to the pic of her rubbing her eyes. So cute.

    I lost my Grandpa almost a year ago to cancer. It was definitely a hard time. I still think of him often. I'm so glad that you are getting to go spend some time with your family. I'm sure you will all share a buch of memories of your Grandma and shed a few tears. Enjoy that time together. Thinking of you, Hun!
