Once there they hooked me up to the monitors for about an hour. I was having contractions but they weren't regular. Some were 4 min apart some 8! So It was clear I wasn't in active labor. The nurse checked me and I am still 1cm dilated and 50-60% effaced. With that my doctor said I was good to go and to come back if they became regular and or my water broke. She was able to show me when I was having contraction which was nice. I now realize that I have been having a lot of them! I always thought it was cramps and pressure and when my stomach would get hard I thought it was just her backside sticking out. Well now I know!
Today I've been having less back pain but lots of contractions. Nothing timbale though. I'll be obsessing with my new found contraction counter app! Lol
38 weeks!! Wow can you believe it? Who would have thought we would be here a year ago? I'm ready to meet her. I kinda feel bad wanting this pregnancy thing to be over just because I know how lucky I am. But oh my gosh, I'm so uncomfortable :( My back hurts so bad along with my hands and toes and I itch everywhere!!!!! I'm just so ready to be a mom to my beautiful sweet little girl. I'm not gunna lie I have been walking, bouncing on the yoga ball, eating pineapple and the other things that are supposed to induce labor since this weekend. Mark wants to meet her just as bad as me I think. He is constantly texting me asking "baby?" Or "labor and delivery tonight?". Lol I think he is ready for a vacation to. Hopefully my next post will be titled "she's here" :)
I have a check up on Thursday. I may do a little update then to if there are any changes in dilation or effacement.