Wednesday, July 17, 2013

36 weeks

It's just another week around here. We have everything ready for this little girl so it's just the waiting game now! We can't wait to meet her. 

The heat here in New York is unbearable right now. I can barely walk outside without feeling like I will pass out. Even the dogs think its to hot to stay out there to long. Our walks have shortened drastically these days. With the heat comes the swelling. My feet and hands are incredibly swollen most the time. My fingers and toes feel bruised when I bend them. :( I have been drinking tons of water to keep the swelling down as much as possible. I go through a 36 case of bottled water in 3-4 days. I can't seem to get enough. I'm so thirsty all the time. Not to mention I fill up those bottles with tap water as well throughout the day. #lovewater

Mark was able to get tickets to the home run derby on Monday night! It was really hot so we didn't stay the entire time. I just can't last as long as I used to be able to. We had a lot of fun despite the heat. I enjoyed a pretzel with cheese :) While walking back to the car I had a few contractions, one being very painful!!! I decided at that moment that that would be my last major outing as the beautiful pregnant woman I am! Lol Just a little to much for a 9 month prego!

You may want to skip this paragraph if you don't want to read about some nasty stuff........ On Tuesday morning I most definitely had my bloody show! Gross!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I was absolutely disturbed by the nastiness of this. It looks like snot with blood in it. Since then I have seen a little here and a little there when I wipe. After this happened I of course ran to google and looked it up. I was a little upset to read that it doesn't necessarily mean labor will start. It could start that day or two weeks from then. :( I thought for sure it was time but nope! 

Ok enough of the gross stuff. I go Thursday for my weekly check up. I'm curious to know if I'm dialated at all. I'll update after my appointment if there is anything to report.  

Cravings: I eat a lot of s'mores these days :) and apples with caramel dip

Mood: I get irritated very quickly. Especially if I'm hot or hungry. 

Wedding Ring: Nope! Doesn't fit on my fat sausages anymore. :(

Sickness and Pains: lower back pain is a problem. No nausea though

Miss anything: oh man I have a list that I won't bore you with. It's getting a little long :-/

Weight gain/loss: I have been going back and forth on losing and gaining. I have gained a total of 6-7 pounds. That's pre pregnancy. If you count the weight I was after the first trimester I have gained about 11-12 pounds. 

Object Comparison: ummmm, a baby!!!

Movement: Yes, she gets the hiccups a lot. She also likes to kick my sides and back. If I push on her foot she pushes right back. :)

Belly Button: still in but shallow

Names: Emma

Medical concerns: None

Looking Forward To: meeting her

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! 

9 months!!! 


  1. Ugh. The weather is horrible here too! I so bored because baby and I have to sit inside all day!! I miss my walks with her and the dog.

    Glad to hear about your bloody show!! Haha. One more step forward!!

    1. So apparently the bloody show is what you get when you are in labor. I am losing my mucus plug. At least that's what the dr told me today.

      I'm so glad you are doing well. Feel free to send me pics of the baby anytime! :)

  2. I am so far behind! Looking forward to catching up! Who knows? Maybe you've even had baby Emma by now!!!
