Monday, August 3, 2015

My little Emma

With all that's been going on I haven't posted much on our sweet Emma! Trust me she is far from being forgotten. She will be two next week!! I can't believe it really. She has grown up so fast. We are having a Minnie Mouse party for her on Saturday. I'm so excited for it. Lots of friends and family will be coming. 

The terrible twos started a few months ago really. This child has quite the attitude and can throw a mean epic tantrum. Like falls to the floor kicking and screaming kind. These are the moments where I start to question my parenting. But then I have to remind myself she is two and its normal. I get way to stressed about it really. I need to just ignore her but it's hard to do that when in public. I have been "that mom" plenty of times now. I feel guilty for thinking such horrible things about other moms I would encounter before I had Emma. I told myself I will never be her! Well that went down the shitter. I can't count how many times I have had to just up and leave a store due to pure embarrassment. My biggest mistake is suckers. I bribe the kid every time we go somewhere. Now the second I put her in the cart she immediately says "gucker" Emma slang for sucker. I have definatly failed in this department. 

She is a talking machine now. She repeates everything now and has even started saying short sentences. Like "no I no want it". Or "what did you do" when she does something wrong. Always blaming it on someone else lol. She is learning shapes and colors well. Although right now every color is yellow. Haha

Foods, well she is picky. Let's just leave it at that. 

That's all I can think of for the moment. I'm super tired so I'll stop here and leave you with some pictures. :)

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