Tuesday, April 30, 2013

25 Weeks

Well nothing really new this week. Just preparing for the big move. Only 11 more days and I will be in New York. Mark found us s great place to live and I'm excited to set up everything and get ready for Emma's arrival.

I leave in two days for St. Louis. Mark will be meeting me there. It should be a great weekend. I know the people throwing me this shower have worked really hard and I can't wait to see everything. :)

Cravings: Nothing out of the ordinary. Just sweets.

Mood: Nervous! A lot going on right now.

Wedding Ring: Still fits

Sickness: none

Pains: Lots of leg cramps. My back usually hurts at the end of the day. I have also had a lot of headaches lately. It might be stress related, not sure.

Miss anything: Other than a uninterrupted sleep.......

Weight gain/loss: 7 pounds gained! I think that's pretty good. I hope to only gain 15-20lbs total. We shall see.

Object Comparison: Emma is the size of a eggplant. Weighing in at 2lbs, she is getting big!

Movement: It's amazing how strong she is. She is constantly on the move. Seeing my belly jump is really cool. Mark hasn't had the pleasure of seeing this yet because he has been out of town for almost 2 weeks. I think he will be surprised to see how often it happens.

Belly Button: In

Names: Emma Lynn

Medical concerns: I can feel my blood pressure raised sometimes. Most of this is due to stress I think.

Looking Forward To: My shower and the move to New York.

And now the bumpdate!!!!!!


  1. So so happy for you! Congrats on 25 weeks!!!

  2. Yikes! You are so close now to the big move, and getting closer all the time to meeting baby Emma in person! I love that you can see her move! Try not to stress too much, even though I know your life is crazy busy and probably stressful.
