So after I had my ultrasound with the perinatologist I had another appointment with my regular OB. She said things looked great but that they wanted to do growth scans every 4 weeks from here on out just to make sure she stays on track. Her reasoning behind this is because I am on Prozac and metformin. She said she is sure everything will be fine but better safe than sorry. Fine with me :) The more I get to see her the better!
I am gaining in every two weeks for check-ups now. Measuring my belly, weight and blood pressure. So far so good. Emma is still measuring a week ahead of schedule. We may just have a little porker on our hands. She weighs 4 lbs and the average weight is 3.31lbs at 31 weeks and 3.75 lbs at 32 ( according to baby center). So she is definitely ahead on that chart! I just hope her outfits I have packed for her fit.
I'm getting more and more anxious each day. I can't wait to meet her. Of course I don't want her to come now but I just can't wait for the first glance of her little face. :)
Yay for frequent ultrasounds!! Glad to hear everything is well!!