Thursday, June 13, 2013


Had our ultrasound today and didn't get one picture. I'm a little upset about this. I know it's not that big of a deal but I have been looking forward to this for weeks now. She was facing my back so they said they couldn't get a good picture. They were able to get a face forward picture but said it wasn't good. I don't care if it looks good or not I just wanted a picture. Nothing though. You could tell they were ready to go to lunch and didn't want to spend a lot of time trying. Oh well, I guess the next time I see her little face will be in the delivery room. 

Oh and she weighed in at a whopping 4 pounds!!!!! Big girl!!!!!


  1. Bummer about them not getting you a picture. :( 4lbs is AWESOME!

    1. Found out I get to see her again in a month! So hopefully she will be in a good position then.

    2. Glad Emma is doing good, although what a bummer to not get a picture. It doesn't seem like it takes much for them to just hit a button and print one out, but whatever I guess. You are right though, you are going to see her soon in person and be able to take all the pictures you want! I can't wait to see them!
