Tuesday, January 15, 2013

10 weeks

I can't tell you how thankful I am for this zofran. It truly does help keep me from losing my crackers. I do still have a lot of nausea. I feel my best in the morning usually. By lunch time (or my 4th set of saltine cracker meals) it sets in. I take the zofran every four hours.

I hit 10 weeks today! Only 2 more weeks until I'm technically out of the woods for miscarriage. Being sick has kept my mind at ease though. As long as I feel like crap, our little Petrie is still with us. I can't wait until my next appointment. I hope the NT scan shows everything is normal. Another thing I am excited for is being able to tell the rest of the world about our little miracle!

Mark has been a trooper for the most part. I haven't cooked a dinner for the guy in weeks. I munch on my saltines and he has to fend for himself. And I am usually complaining about the smell of what ever he makes. I do feel a little sorry for the guy, but then I feel like crap again and tell him how much I wish it was him instead of me! Lol

In other news potty training has gotten a little easier. We are down to one or zero accidents a day! Good job Izzy girl!!!!

Cravings: none right now! Crackers and ginger ale is what my meals usually consist of.

Mood: :-/

Wedding Ring: Still fits

Sickness: Lots of Nausea and vomiting

Miss Anything: Not being nauseous and eating a full meal.

Object Comparison: at the end of the week our Petrie will be the size of a lime!

Movement: It's a long ways away!

Belly Button: In

Looking Forward To: Seeing Petrie in two weeks!

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