Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wait some more!

Today was my ultrasound to check my lining. It was 9.98!!! That's good if you didn't know. My doctor brought me into his office after the ultrasound to talk. He said that he won't transfer 2 embryos. I was like why not? He said because of a few reasons, 1 you are so young (my youngest patient right now) and the success rate for your age is really high, 2 I am worried about how your body will respond with twins. He didn't think I would have a healthy pregnancy. After a little back and forth talk I decided to trust him and his confidence and only transfer one. I really hope he is right.

After our talk the nurse came Ina nd said how does the 26th sound? I said sounds like a long ways away, can't we do it sooner? Nope! She said that was the earliest appointment they had. Wonderful! Now I have to wait 17 more days to transfer. I also have to stay on the estrogen patches until my first pregnancy test! God give me strength! No it's the waiting game, again.

Here are a few of my symptoms from the past week. Most evenings I have trouble keeping my eyes open past 8:30, I have gained 4 pounds, my body aches and the hot flashes are almost unbearable!!! I'll be so glad when I can stop this estrogen. Last night was particularly bad. Mark and I were having a tiny tiny disagreement and BOOM!!! It hits me! I start bawling my eyes out. Like cant breathe or talk historically crying. I think I freaked Mark out! Lol poor guy didn't know what hit him. This crying lasted a long time. My eyes are still puffy today. I don't think Mark will be starting any arguments any time soon hahahaha!


  1. I have to chuckle at you bawling your eyes out, because I did the same thing during our treatment. In fact, I think I remember chucking my cell phone at the husband too. It put a hole in our wall (unfortunately I missed his head at that point). Oh a different note, I am so glad to hear that everything is going well! I will be praying for you :)

    1. Haha!! I'm glad your doing well! Only a little longer till 2nd trimester!! Thanks

  2. UGggggg! Sorry you have to wait some more. Glad to hear about your lining! Can't wait to hear about the updates!!!

    1. Thanks!! I have been checking your blog a lot lately. Looks like your in the 2ww! GL do you plan to POAS?

  3. Great lining! What a bummer you have to wait so long. My transfer got pushed back a week because my doc was out of town but I knew about that before I started the FET prep, that sucks you got blindsided withthe news when you were expecting so much sooner. Hope time goes by fast and the estrogen doesn't make you too crazy.

    1. It does suck that I have to wait! I hope time goes by fast. Hope your doing well

  4. I found your blog on a forum for November FET's and I have my transfer the same day. It's crazy they are making you wait so long, but I hope your estrogen side effects decrease soon.

    I also started following your blog. Wishing you the best of luck!

    1. How exciting!! I'm glad I have someone to be in tww with! We can compare side effects. What is your screen name on the forum?
