Sunday, November 4, 2012


I went in yesterday for our baseline appointment. They took blood and did an ultrasound. Both my ovaries were clear and my lining was 5.8!!! We want it to be between 8-10 for the transfer. They increased my estrogen patches from 2 to 4. Not excited about that. They make me really sleepy and having double the dose from before I am sooooooo tired!

Anyway, my next appointment is on Friday morning. They will check my lining again and if I'm ready then we will schedule my transfer date. My guess is that I will transfer on the 16th. After my lining is ready I will have to be on progesterone shots for 5 days before we can transfer. (Progesterone shots are in the rear and hurt like hell)

On another note Mark left this morning for Chicago and will be back at the end of the week. He is kinda lucky I think. I wouldn't want to be around me during this time!! I'm a little cranky these days :-) lol.

If you know me personally you know that I have a thing for giraffes!! This seemed fitting.


  1. so excited for you!! What a wonderful Christmas gift this would be for both of you :) Sending lots of prayers your way!!

    1. That would be a awesome Christmas gift!! Thanks for your prayers! Hope your feeling better.

  2. Good news on your baseline appointment. The 16th... that's so soon YAY. I totally know how you feel with the estrogen making you tired. No fun.
